407 - 19FA-16 FLINTLOCK MUSKETLittle John's Auction Service
Flintlock musket, no visible markings, missing ramrod, approximately .75 caliber, 42” barrel, brown patina, wood stock; working action, wood stock
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409 - XT-17 BROWNING AUTO 5Little John's Auction Service
Browning Auto 5 Magnum semi-auto shotgun, 12 gauge, serial #6V79151. The shotgun is in very good overall condition with a 30” barrel with a full-le
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410 - XT-18 BOOOKLittle John's Auction Service
Sud Deutschland book pre-WWII with fold out maps. Good condition. Est.: $100-200
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411 - 19GK-5 TRAPDOOR CARBINELittle John's Auction Service
Springfield Model 1878 .45-70 carbine, S/N 142397. As found “Out of the Attic” black condition. Some damage to stock from heat. Losses around tang.
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412 - 18GA-1 1886 WINCHESTER SRC #176836Little John's Auction Service
1886 Winchester Saddle Ring Carbine in .45-70 caliber with factory letter stating ‘Received in warehouse June 1, 1900 shipped June 5, 1900 with 1 o
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 4,000.00 | Estimate : 8,000.00 - 16,000.00
413 - 19FE-2 BELGIAN PINFIRE RELICLittle John's Auction Service
Belgian Pinfire revolver, approximately .32 caliber. The pistol is in relic condition with a 3 ¼” barrel. The barrel and cylinder are a mo...
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418 - 19FN-42 SEARS RANGERLittle John's Auction Service
Sears Ranger .22 LR bolt action rifle, #NSNV, 26" bull barrel, blued finish, Mossberg S-130 receiver sight with smooth walnut stock. Rifle...
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419 - 19FN-43 WINCHESTER 69ALittle John's Auction Service
Winchester 69A #NSNV, 22 Short cal., 25 1/4" barrel, blued finish, receiver peep sight with smooth walnut stock with studs for sling swivels...
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420 - 19FN-44 SEARS RANGERLittle John's Auction Service
Sears Ranger 101.16 #NSNV, .22 LR cal., 24" barrel, blued finish with smooth walnut stock. Rifle is in good condition overall, showing 96-9...
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421 - 19FN-45 PRE '64 WINCHESTER 70Little John's Auction Service
Pre '64 Winchester Model 70 bench rest target rifle, #418960 .308 Win, custom 24" barrel, blued finish, custom laminated stock with Redf...
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422 - 19FN-46 JC HIGGINS MDL 30Little John's Auction Service
JC Higgins Model 30, #NSNV, 22 LR cal., 24" barrel, blued finish with smooth walnut stock, retractable sling in butt. Rifle is in good cond...
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423 - 19FE-3 HR 1906 #13540Little John's Auction Service
H & R Model 1906 revolver, .22 caliber, Serial #13540. The pistol is in good overall condition with a 6” octagon barrel. The pistol retains...
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430 - 19EZ-635 JENKINS LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Framed collection of ephemera and original photographs belonging to Sergeant Sheila Jenkins stunt rider who appeared in Buffalo Bills Wild West sho
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431 - 19EZ-636 TUNICLittle John's Auction Service
German Imperial Officer’s tunic with Bavarian lion on matching buttons, and silver shoulder straps. ID’d to Lt. Deutch, 7 CH.R written on interior.
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432 - 19EZ-637 AVIATORS LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Aviator’s uniform complete with wings, medals, and emblems belonging to Lt. Douglas Wolfe. Also his air service dog tags (1917), yellow tint google
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433 - 19GL-1 PERAZZI #45593Little John's Auction Service
Perazzi MX-8 S/N 45593 used by iconic T.V. star “Bob” Stack in competition trap shoots. See lot # 220 Nov. 2003 when Little Johns sold Mr. Stacks c
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433a - 19GL-2 SHOOTING VESTLittle John's Auction Service
Green with black leather trim shooting vest by Bob Allen. Used for a decade by Robert Stack during shoots. Certificate of authenticity from Little
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