1092 - 19RP-22 REM. 700 CUSTOMLittle John's Auction Service
Customized Remington Model 700, #G6603945, .22-250 cal., 28" fluted barrel with compensator, detatchable box magazine, scope rail, Boyd'...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,400.00
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1095 - 19RH-27 REMINGTON RIFLELittle John's Auction Service
Remington Rolling Block .50-70 caliber New York State Militia Model Rifle with bayonet and rod. Three band 36” barrel showing inspector’s cartouche
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 700.00
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1096 - 19RH-29 UNDERHAMMER PERC.Little John's Auction Service
Under hammer percussion smooth bore marked “Nikendall, Windsor VT” in .45 caliber smoothbore with 27 5/8” barrel and 43 ½” overall. Very goo...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
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1097 - 19RH-133 58 REMINGTONLittle John's Auction Service
Remington 1858 New Model .44 caliber percussion revolver, S/N 115374 with inspector’s marks from Civil War era. Good traces of blue mixed into the
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
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1098 - 19RH-135 SINO SOVIET WAR PLATELittle John's Auction Service
Japanese Sino Soviet War era D guard sword with handmade blade in metal scabbard. The blade is 25” on cutting edge and the sword is 32 ½” ov...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
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1099 - 19RH-137 SWORD LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Lot of 4 sowrd as described: 1. 1902 pattern U.S. style officer’s sword made for organization with fancy etched blade and the name “J.W. Clirmont”.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
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1100 - 19MG- 58 CHILEAN 1935 MAUSERLittle John's Auction Service
Chilean Model 1935 Mauser bolt action rifle, 7 x 57 caliber, Serial #8003. The rifle is in good overall condition with a 22” barrel with a protect
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
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1100a - 19RH-127 LACY MILITARY STYLELittle John's Auction Service
English Military style percussion pistol with lock marked “Lacy & Company, London”. Measures 15 ¾” overall with a 9” barrel of .69-70 ca...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
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1101 - 19PX-12 BONANZA LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Bonanza lot consisting of N.G. cartridge boxes, caps, buffalo leather cavalry style gloves and flask in shadow box and etc. Est.: $150-$300
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
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1103 - SUMLS-337 SWISS WAFFENFABRIK BAYONETLittle John's Auction Service
Swiss “Waffen Fabrik Neuhausen” marked bayonet for Schmidt Rubin rifle with scabbard. The blade is very good plus. Some rust on mounts and scabbard
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
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