1229 - 20TMO-209 OLD BOAR WOOD CARVED SIGNLittle John's Auction Service
Folk Art wooden sign of pig with metal ears on wood base and titled “Old Boar”; approximately 19” in height, 35” wide and 6” deep. Est.: $
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
To View Winning Bid
1230 - 19IC-3 WIN 92 #890365Little John's Auction Service
Winchester Model 92 lever action SRC, .44 W.C.F. caliber, 20” barrel, blued finish, wood stocks, S/N 890365; overall good to very good condition wi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,400.00 - 2,800.00
To View Winning Bid
1231 - 19MG-129 CZ AMERICANLittle John's Auction Service
CZ Model 550 Medium bolt action rifle, 9.3 x 62 caliber, Serial #A111321. The rifle is in fine overall condition with a 20” barrel. The rifle ret
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,400.00
To View Winning Bid
1232 - 19MG-133 CZ 375Little John's Auction Service
CZ Model ZKK 602 bolt action rifle, .375 H&H caliber, Serial #11318. The rifle is in very good overall condition with a 25” barrel with a ra...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,400.00
To View Winning Bid
1239 - 19MG-34 HUSQ SPORTERLittle John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Sporter Mauser in 9.3 x 62 caliber with a 24” barrel, checkered pistol grip wood stock, blue finish, and sling, S/N 93929. This rifle rem
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
To View Winning Bid
1240 - 19MG-12 98 SPORTERLittle John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Commercial Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 8 x 57 caliber, Serial #102550. The rifle is in very good overall condition with
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1241 - 19MG-43 REMINGTON MODEL 141Little John's Auction Service
Remington Model 141 Gamemaster pump action rifle, .35 Rem. caliber, 24” barrel, re-blued finish, wood stocks, S/N 32354; overall good condition wit
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1242 - 19MG-74 HUNG BUDAPEST CARBLittle John's Auction Service
Hungarian Budapest-marked Model 95 straight pull bolt action carbine, import-marked, 20” barrel, blued finish, wood stock with leather sling, S/N 8
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1243 - 19RJ-1 LC SMITH #208019Little John's Auction Service
LC Smith Specialty grade SxS shotgun, #208019, 20 Ga., 30" solid rib barrels marked Hunter Arms Co, Fulton New York with fine file on the ri...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1244 - 190S- 10 BRASS CHURCH HANGERSLittle John's Auction Service
Alms bowl made of hammered brass. 200-500 plus years old showing hangers that were soldered om later to hang in church. Brought from Europe after c
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,500.00
To View Winning Bid
1245 - 19RH-75 FLINTLOCKLittle John's Auction Service
Full stock Kentucky Flintlock rifle of large proportions with lock marked “H. Elwell Warranted” and no signature on the barrel. Measures approximat
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1246 - 20TMO-201 GLASS FRONT CABINETLittle John's Auction Service
Large antique two section glass front cabinet with three shelves in top glass front section plus two drawers and storage area in bottom section; ap
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1250 - 19RH-55 DRILLINGLittle John's Auction Service
Fine quality Pre-War German Drilling signed “Robert Schuler, Koln A.R.” marked 16GA over 8.7 x 72 with crown N and nitro proofs. Master engraved wi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 800.00 - 1,600.00
To View Winning Bid
1251 - 19RH-76 DBL PERC. W. OGDENLittle John's Auction Service
Double barrel percussion rifle marked “W. Ogden, Owego New York” on both barrels and “Rashmore” on the locks. Measures 39” overall with 32 ½...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 800.00 - 1,600.00
To View Winning Bid
1252 - 19PF-36 COLT #3Little John's Auction Service
Colt’s No. 3 derringer, early “pimple” frame, .41 caliber, 2.5” barrel, nickel finish, wood grips, no visible S/N; overall good to very good condit
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,400.00
To View Winning Bid
1253 - 20AL-1 LOT OF WWII GERMAN MEDALSLittle John's Auction Service
Lot of WWI and WWII German and Austrian military medals and photos, including Iron Crosses, Wound Badges and misc. medals belonging to Wolfgang Sch
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1253a - 20AL-2 RUSSIAN MEDALSLittle John's Auction Service
Lot of Russian military medals and West German coin commemorating the 20th anniversary of the democratic republic of Berlin. Est. $100-200
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1255 - 19MG-9 92 SPORTERLittle John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Commercial Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 9.3 x 57 caliber, Serial #27139. The rifle is in very good overall condition with
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1256 - 19MG-10 MAUSERLittle John's Auction Service
Custom Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 9 x 57 caliber, Serial #811. The rifle is in very good overall condition with a 22” round barre
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1257 - 19MG-28 HUSQ 98Little John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Commercial Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 9.3 x 57 caliber, Serial #23095. The rifle is in very good overall condition with
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1258 - 19MG-16 CUSTOM MDL 98Little John's Auction Service
Custom Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 7 x 57 caliber, Serial #983. The rifle is in very good overall condition with a 24” round barre
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1259 - 19MG-144 RUGERLittle John's Auction Service
Ruger No.1 single shot rifle, .35 Whelen caliber, Serial #133-67336. The rifle is in fine overall condition with a 26” barrel with a ramped blade
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,400.00
To View Winning Bid
1260 - 19MG-154 BINELLILittle John's Auction Service
Benelli Nova pump shotgun, 12 gauge, Serial #V107898. The shotgun is in good overall condition with a 26” barrel with a full-length ventilated rib
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1261 - 19MG-19 PARKER DAMASCUSLittle John's Auction Service
Parker Brothers SxS hammerless shotgun, 12 gauge, 30” damascus barrels, checkered nicely grained wood stocks, correct Parker Bros. hard rubber butt
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1262 - 20BY-6 ORIGINAL FLASK CAP BOXLittle John's Auction Service
Early eagle powder flask for an 1849 Pocket Navy and Civil War cap box. The powder flask is an early example with considerable original lacquer in
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1263 - 19MG-29 HUSQ 98 SPORTERLittle John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Commercial Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 9.3 x 57 caliber, Serial #22719. The rifle is in fine overall condition with a 24
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1264 - 19MG-42 MAUSERLittle John's Auction Service
Husqvarna Commercial Model 98 Mauser bolt action sporting rifle, 8 x 57 caliber, Serial #57034. The rifle is in very good overall condition with a
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
To View Winning Bid
1265 - 20TMO-158 HORNSLittle John's Auction Service
Massive wood plaque mounted pair of steer horns; approximately 5-1/2 feet wide. Est.: $125-$175.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 175.00
To View Winning Bid
1266 - 20BM1-55 DECK GUNLittle John's Auction Service
Restored iron signal cannon on wood carriage with brass plaque “U.S.S. Oregon”; approximately 25” long with a 20” barrel painted Navy grey; 13” in
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1267 - 20BM1-57 CHILD'S BARBER CHAIRLittle John's Auction Service
Vintage child’s porcelain Barber chair with black leather cushions; approximately 46” in height; good to very good condition overall and a great di
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1268 - 20BM1-58 PHOTO LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Lot of 7 framed military-related photos ranging in size from approximately 60” long to 15” long; includes group shots of 1st BN, 77th Field Artille
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1270 - 20TMO-186 METAL LAMPLittle John's Auction Service
Vintage reproduction Tiffany style floor lamp with 17” floral shade. The base and stand represent an antiqued brown finished tree trunk with bark
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1271 - 20TMO-192 ICE CHESTLittle John's Auction Service
Desirable antique oak ice box with tin lined top compartment and tin lined bottom compartment; “Garland” brass name tag; approximately 36” in heigh
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1272 - 20TMO-194 PAIR OF NIGHTSTANDSLittle John's Auction Service
Matching pair of vintage-style night stands with stone top inserts, approximately 29” in height, 26” wide and 15” deep. Est.: $175-$350.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 350.00
To View Winning Bid
1273 - 20TMO-196 GOLD GILT TABLELittle John's Auction Service
Fancy metal gold gilt coffee table with glass top; approximately 16” in height, 40” wide and 23” deep. Est.: $75-$150.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1273a - 19IC-60 AMMO LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Ammunition lot (4 boxes) including Remington .44-40 Win.; Winchester .44 Rem Magnum; Winchester .357 Magnum; Winchester .38-40 plus two small boxes
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1274 - 20TMO-199 SIDEBOARDLittle John's Auction Service
Classic antique carved oak side board with two drawers displaying carved animal head pulls; approximately 40” in height, 55” wide and 20” deep.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 450.00
To View Winning Bid
1275 - 20TMO-200 CURIO CABINETLittle John's Auction Service
Large antique wood curio cabinet, upper section has two doors with beveled glass and tasteful inlays; bottom section shows two drawers (left side m
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1275b - 20TMO-1016 ADVERTISING TIN LOTLittle John's Auction Service
Advertising tin lot, 3 big tins, DanDee Chips, Ben-Hur Coffee, Hills Bros. Coffee & small crate Valio Cheese. Est:$100-200
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1275c - 20TMO-1017 COCA COLA TRAYSLittle John's Auction Service
Lot of three reproduction Coca-Cola metal serving trays. The trays are all in very good condition depicting beautiful women enjoying a coke. Est.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 25.00 - 50.00
To View Winning Bid
1275d - 20TMO-1018 SHELFLittle John's Auction Service
Wooden wall shelf with mirror, two stone decorative Dutch scenes (one of each side of the mirror) and four iron hanging hooks; approximately 15” in
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 75.00
To View Winning Bid
1275e - 20CN-198 COLT POL. POS.Little John's Auction Service
Colt Police Positive flat top target DA revolver, #5954, .22 W.R.F. cal., 6” barrel, high polish blue finish, checkered hard rubber grips. The fram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1276 - 19RH-53 WESTLEY RICHARDSLittle John's Auction Service
Early Westley Richards Bartwood transitional cartridge shotgun in 10GA with 30” barrels, S/N 4246. Closely resembles percussion shotgun. The releas
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1276a - 19RM-3 S&W 629-4Little John's Auction Service
Smith & Wesson Model 629-4 .44 Mag DA revolver with 4" barrel, stainless steel, neoprene finger grooved grips, #BSU0868. Very good plus...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1277a - 19IC-9 92 SRC #117693Little John's Auction Service
Winchester Model 1892 lever action SRC, .44 W.C.F. caliber, 20” barrel, brown patina, wood stocks, replaced rear buckhorn sight, S/N 117693; overal
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 650.00 - 1,300.00
To View Winning Bid
1278 - 20TMO-175 HOOF WALL RACKLittle John's Auction Service
Large wood antler and hoof wall rack with 7 pairs of hoofs, bottom brace missing a hoof; approximately 5 feet in height and 38” wide. Est.: $
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 1,758.00
To View Winning Bid
1279 - 20TMO-174 BRASS LAMPLittle John's Auction Service
Vintage-style gilt standing electrified lamp with fancy Victorian-style fringed lamp shade; approximately 69” in height, working at time of descrip
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 175.00
To View Winning Bid
1279a - 19FC-6 HI STANDARD #42249Little John's Auction Service
Hi-Standard Model "A", #42249, .22 LR cal., 4 1/2" barrel, blued finish, adjustable sights, with checkered grips. Pistol is in fi...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
To View Winning Bid
1279b - 19FC-2 HI STANDARD #451365Little John's Auction Service
Hi-Standard Model FK-101 Field King, #451365, .22 LR cal., 6 3/4" ported bull barrel, blued finish, adjustable sights, with checkered plasti...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
To View Winning Bid
1282 - 20TMO-179 WOODEN LADDERLittle John's Auction Service
Wood library ladder good for displaying Indian rugs, approx. 85" in height. Est:$200-400
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1282a - 19FC-10 HI STANDARD #383985Little John's Auction Service
Hi-Standard Sport King, #383985, .22 LR cal., 4 1/2" barrel, blued finish, fixed sights, with checkered plastic grips. Pistol is in very go...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1283a - 19HG-12 SEARS HAWKINLittle John's Auction Service
Sears, Roebucks and Company reproduction Hawken rifle Model 292 by Miroku, Japan, .54 caliber, Serial #0129. The rifle is in fine overall conditio
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1284a - 19AQ-16 ARGENTINE MAUSER 1891 #57275Little John's Auction Service
DWM Mauser Modelo Argentino 1891 bolt action rifle, 8mm caliber, Serial #57275. The rifle is in fine overall condition with a 24” barrel with a r
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1285 - 20TMO-182 COPPER POTLittle John's Auction Service
Vintage well-used large copper milk can with lid; great patina; approximately 24” in height and 12” in diameter; a great decorator item! Est
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
To View Winning Bid
1285a - 19FC-12 HI STANDARD #96695Little John's Auction Service
Hi-Standard Model "A", #96695, .22 LR cal., 6 3/4" barrel, blued finish, adjustable sights, with checkered Herrett's thumb rest...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1286 - 20TMO-183 COAT RACKLittle John's Auction Service
Wood coat rack with 4 iron hanging hooks, rack is approximately 76” in height. Est.: $50-$75.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 75.00
To View Winning Bid
1286a - 19FN-49 FANTASY GUNLittle John's Auction Service
Fantasy gun, cut down 1903 stock with two W.W. Greener military barrels attatched with a hose clamp to simulate a double barrel, and a cylinder fr
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 20.00 - 40.00
To View Winning Bid
1286b - 19FN-54 REV-O-NOC TIP UPLittle John's Auction Service
Rev-O-Noc single shot tip up .22 cal rifle, #1822, 20" barrel, blued finish smooth wooden stock. Rifle is in fair condition overall, origin...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
To View Winning Bid
1286c - 19FN-64 REMINGTON 514 #NSNVLittle John's Auction Service
Remington 514 bolt action rifle, #NSNV, .22 S,L,LR cal., 24 3/4" barrel, blued finish, Lyman R55W receiver sight (missing aperature) with p...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1286d - 19FN-68 H&R HUNTSMAN #AJ293947Little John's Auction Service
Harrington & Richardson Huntsman black powder inline rifle, #AJ293947, .45 cal. black powder, 28" barrel, blued finish with color case h...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1287 - 20AH-3 SUSAN RIOS SERIGRAPHLittle John's Auction Service
Susan Rios signed and numbered serigraph titled, “Peaceful Hours”. The piece is 30” x 27” and is professionally matted and framed. The piece incl
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 500.00
1288 - 19KB-1 STATUELittle John's Auction Service
Beautiful Polychrome cast pewter statue with Lucite accents of “Dolphins in the Sea” by Kitty Cantrell. The base is marked 71/950 and the undersid
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 500.00
To View Winning Bid
1288a - 19ME-10 WIN #HO6470Little John's Auction Service
Winchester Model 94 Cheyanne Commemorative in .44-40 caliber with 20” barrel, tang sight, tacks, and decorative motifs. Excellent to new in box wit
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1290 - 20TMO-185 METAL LAMPLittle John's Auction Service
Ornate cast metal vintage-style electrified standing floor lamp (no shade); approximately 66” in height, working at time of description. Est
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1292 - 20TMO-188 SADDLELittle John's Auction Service
Well-worn child’s leather saddle; approximately 16” long and 10” wide; un-cleaned and a great decorator! Est.: $75-$125.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 125.00
To View Winning Bid
1293 - 190S- 18 BRONZE DAGGERLittle John's Auction Service
Bronze dagger in Kazakhastan region. Style of 2nd century. Not authenticated by scientific test but appears old. Est.: $400-800
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 800.00
To View Winning Bid
1294 - 190S- 20 UNUSUAL DAGGERLittle John's Auction Service
Unusual dagger with silver coffin hilt and spear point blade. Etched “E.A. Armstrong, Detroit, Mich.” Red enamel work. Late 19th to 20th century. M
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
1296 - 19NT-4 OIL PTGLittle John's Auction Service
Framed original oil on canvas of Indian Chief smoking a Peace Pipe; by George Jansen32” x 28” overall; similar to Taos Artists style of the 1940’s
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1296a - 19FC-32 COLT OFFICER'S MDL #281047Little John's Auction Service
Colt Officer's Model 1907, #281047, .38 Colt cal., 6" barrel, blued finish, drift adjustable sights, with checkered walnut grips. Revol...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1297a - 19ME-4 SPANISH PERCLittle John's Auction Service
Spanish Miquelet pistol showing period conversion to percussion with maker’s mark at rear of barrel which is not legible. Good overall condition wi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1298 - 20BM1-76 MINI DECK CANNONLittle John's Auction Service
Miniature reproduction deck gun, brass barrel approximately 18” long with a ¾” diameter bore; mounted on a wood carriage approximately 16” l...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 700.00
To View Winning Bid
1298a - 19FC-35 HI STANDARD #276708Little John's Auction Service
Hi-Standard Model H-D Military, #276708, .22 LR cal., 4 1/2" heavy barrel, blued finish, adjustable sights, with checkered grips. Pistol is...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1299 - 20TMO-190 JOHN WAYNE BUSTLittle John's Auction Service
Heavy cast bronze bust of John Wayne as a Western era soldier; un-signed, approximately 17” in height, 12” wide and 11” deep; good features and det
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 350.00
To View Winning Bid
1299a - 19HD-1 HENRY ARMS .22Little John's Auction Service
Henry Repeating Arms lever action rifle, .22 caliber, Serial #388117H. The rifle is in fine overall condition with an 18” barrel with a hooded fro
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 700.00
To View Winning Bid
1300 - 20TMO-191 BUTCHER BLOCKLittle John's Auction Service
Large Solid Oak Butcher Block, fair condition, needs repair to legs. approx. 20" x 16". Extremely heavy. Est:$150-300
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1300a - 19LR-14 S&W HAND EJECTORLittle John's Auction Service
Smith & Wesson Hand Ejector double action revolver, .32 caliber, Serial #85720. The pistol is in good overall condition with a 3 ¼” bar...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 400.00
To View Winning Bid
1300b - 19LR- 38 LONG LINE DECORATIONLittle John's Auction Service
Desirable 1940’s-1950’s era art deco long line Packard hood ornament approximately 21” in length on wooden mount. The futuristic emblem retains th
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1300e - 19HG-9 BROWNING CITORI #02093-RTJ53Little John's Auction Service
Browning Citori Over/Under shotgun, 12 gauge, Serial #02093-RTJ53. The shotgun is in good overall condition with 28” barrels with a full-length ve
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1300f - 18OH-10 REMINGTON #1056175Little John's Auction Service
Remington Model 11 20GA Semi-Auto shotgun with 28” barrels showing raised non-vent rib, S/N 1056175. Measures 14” to the end of the rubber pad and
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1301 - 190S- 4 MIRRORLittle John's Auction Service
Original early 20th century advertising mirror for Marcella Cigars. Shows British troops. Pre-WWI. Measures 26” x 20 ¾”. Condition is near f...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
1304 - 420BM1-104 S&W MDL 49Little John's Auction Service
Smith & Wesson Model 49 double action revolver, .38 Special caliber, Serial #J366429. The pistol is in excellent overall condition with a 2”...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 700.00
To View Winning Bid
1305 - 20BM1-105 COLT 1917Little John's Auction Service
Colt Model 1917 double action revolver, .45 ACP caliber, Serial #193082. The pistol is in fine overall condition with a 5 ½” barrel with sh...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 700.00
To View Winning Bid